But today I am reminded that though all the world is covered with snow, there is still a certainty: I know where the ground is. And underneath it all is God. No matter if I pray for hours, minutes, or seconds. Underneath it all is God and his love for me goes on and his reaching to me does not depend on the duration or quality of my reaching to him.
Underneath it all is God and in the absence of so much else, I see in the endless blanket of white that there are dips and ridges and a thousand tiny intricacies. Though my mouth is silent, I could spend a lifetime uncovering the mysteries of one square foot of snow, running my hands along each gully and listening for the almost imperceptible sound of my hand brushing across. I thought because I had words to name that endless white of snow, I understood it. But in the silence there is so much mystery. And what surprises me most is there is also so much certainty: underneath it all is God. This much I know. Underneath it all is God.
Sometimes I also try to measure my spiritual life through quantitative means. Have I prayed enough? Have I memorized enough Scripture? Have I fasted recently? How much disobedience is characterizing my life? Am I better than I was on that mountain? Or, am I worse than I was in that last valley?
I am a terrible evaluator of my own spirituality. If I give myself an A then I instantly lose my holy position in pride. If I go lower then I sell God short in what He has actually been doing in and through my life. I would prefer to sit down with Him for a quarterly performance review, but I guess that will have to wait until the very end. Until then, I guess we all just have to prayerlessly or prayerfully rest in His always available grace.
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